Location Location Location: city, suburbs, rural for patient population pathology
It may be important to you to be close to family, significant others in the same field, or thinking on to the next step of where you potentially would like to work and make connections
Do you fit in with the group there/the atmosphere?
Are there any conveniences at the program that you like?
What is the social life of the residents? Hanging outside the residency?
Cost of living, options in area for living?
Size of hospital or multiple hospitals?
I’ve observed that you can take on the styles of your attending. They are your teacher and your professional. The information you learn is what you take into practice. School is still a foundation of your education but these three-four years of your life is where you learn how to be a surgeon and clinician.
This can be objective if you’re able to measure in your own way - But what is the pace of the program? (fast paced, laid back, autonomous, managed)
Three versus four year program?
What type of cases is each PGY doing? Is there a structure tier system? Do you prefer that?
What percentage of cases is the resident performing?
Is the attending teaching during the case?
How many attendings are you working with? What is the background/training? (Rearfoot/Limb Salvage/Forefoot)
How often are you on call by amount of days? Also, what is the sequence of days? (How many days off do you have in between)
How much call is taken as a PGY 1, 2, 3 ?
What is the scheduled salary?
What benefits are offered and retirement package? (Non profit hospital)
Level of Trauma Center and Emergency Department/ ED Residents?
Is there an Orthopedic department/contracted or employed by hospital?
Orthopedic residents? What does that relationship looks like? Good or bad
Pros/Cons List
Took this information above categorized them whether I felt they were a pro/fit into a preference versus cons
Not a bad idea to discuss this list with a third party - get a different perspective other than a pod
At the end of the day I asked myself Will I be happy and will I be able to be the best surgeon/clinician I want to become.
Special thank you to Dr. Jeffery Zimmerman, DPM.